3 Quotes & Sayings By Bernice Morgan

Bernice Morgan is a nationally recognized author and public speaker who has been teaching and writing about the life and legacy of Jesus since 1981. The Messenger, her first book, was published in 1992. She has written more than 50 books, including the inspirational series "The Message of Jesus" and the four-volume "Journey of Life." She travels across the country to speak to audiences of all ages about Jesus Christ. Bernice Morgan was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, and now resides in suburban Atlanta with her husband, three children, and three dogs.

Work, he tells them one night, is a kind of prayer. Bernice Morgan
Lavinia has seen this happen, seen how, one day, a girl will raise her head to listen, as if for the first time, to the crying of a child, to the sound of an oar being hauled in, to a man's voice, to the screech of a saw pulling through wood, to some comment one of the women might make. Within a week, the girl will be able to tell at any minute of the day or night, precisely where every soul in the place is. Then - or so Lavinia imagines, for it has never happened to her - one morning before light, before the girl has awakened, a map, new and totally different, will be imprinted behind her closed eyelids. Bernice Morgan